We invite you to join Root Revival in building an interconnected community. Whether you're a consumer utilizing one or more of our services, a local business looking to collaborate, or an individual interested in learning more about agriculture, there's a place for you in our community!


  • Community Shared Agriculture (CSA)

Join our exclusive CSA program and experience the bountiful flavors of the season. From June to October, we bring you a delightful assortment of fresh, locally-grown organic produce and other treats. You can access a wide range of goodies with bi-weekly pickups at Recycle Utah or bi-weekly drop off services to drop off your produce to your home by a Root Revival team member.

  • Community Education

Root Revival offers comprehensive beekeeping classes to empower individuals to become successful beekeepers. These classes provide a hands-on approach, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to establish and maintain their beehives. Led by experienced instructors, the classes cover essential topics such as hive setup, bee behavior, disease prevention, honey harvesting, and more.



Root Revival aids St. Luke's Episcopal Church's Community Garden by rebuilding raised beds, updating the irrigation, and maintaining beehives, creating a sustainable, vibrant space for local food production and environmental stewardship.


On behalf of Summit Community Gardens & EATS, Root Revival manages the beehives in the community space. We educate and engage through beekeeping practices, promoting the importance of pollinators and their role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem.


Root Revival partners with Recycle Utah to distribute their bi-weekly harvest subscription. This collaboration ensures convenient access to local, sustainable food and supports both organizations' shared commitment to environmental conservation.